Common issues and solutions
Bluetooth: Is your Bluetooth turned on?
For access control via the apps, user devices should have their Bluetooth switched on for optimum functionality
App Updates
We regularly release updates to the app, containing fixes as well as new features. Making sure the app is kept up to date is the best way to ensure optimal performance is maintained. You can update your app via the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).
Password Reset: Portal Access Required
If one of your users needs a password reset, this can be managed via the Portal:
+ Log into the Smart Spaces App Portal
+ Click on ‘User Management’ to open the dropdown list
+ Click on ‘Users’
+ Using the filters, search for the user that requires their password to be reset.
+ Enter a new password for the user. Note: password need to be 8-12 characters long containing uppercase, lowercase, number and symbol characters.
+ Click ‘Save’
Desk Booking: Cancellations
Note: A desk can only be cancelled by the user who booked the desk. If a desk is booked on behalf of another user, then the user the desk is booked for cannot cancel the booking.
+ Open the app (login if required)
+ Go to ‘Desk Booking’
+ In the top right corner you will see two icons, click the icon on the right (looks like 2 pieces of paper).
+ Select the desk booking that needs to be cancelled, you will be taken back to the floor plan with the desk highlighted in blue with a white tick inside.
+ Click on the blue highlighted circle
+ The button at the bottom of the screen will change to ‘Cancel Booking’, click this button
+ App will take a few seconds to load and then confirm the desk booking is cancelled.