Smart Workplace | this changes everything

Control your environment, engage your workplace community, offer secure and fully hands-free access to your building. Smart Spaces app allows you to conduct every aspect of your working day, in and around your building, all from your mobile device.

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Smart Building OS | building engagement

Smart Spaces Operating System elevates building intelligence, providing a secure and cloud-based IoT platform that interfaces with the data present within modern building systems.

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Discover how it all began, where we are headed and our commitments to clients and partners.

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Our Story and Achievements


Data that drives you to succeed

With access to the building’s data from its varying systems, Smart Spaces® can go above and beyond any standard control method. “Insights” shows us how we can best improve your workspace; encompassing who uses your building, how they use it, the occupancy and their wellness, as well as benchmarking your performance against other buildings.

Smart buildings
learn from you

Automation is one factor within the platform that “Insights” can improve, covering aspects of the building such as predictive lighting and HVAC control, as well as energy optimisation.

Reports in real-time

Sustainability is encouraged through smart building automation but reinforced by implementing real-time monitoring and reports. As previously mentioned, these reports can reflect back onto occupiers their energy use but can also expand to accommodate occupier utilisation reports. These also account for risk analysis, such as occupier downsizing predictions.

Security Insights

Smart Spaces takes into account occupier safety and security. The app works to detect and prevent cyber-crime, accounting for employees leaving, lost entrance passes and going so far as to alert occupiers when they must evacuate the building.


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+44(0)20 7481 1655

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